
Wednesday Oct 06, 2010
Selling as Spiritual Practice with Tshombe Brown
Wednesday Oct 06, 2010
Wednesday Oct 06, 2010
If you are tired of struggling with your sales goals and are just plain frustrated with the pushy, manipulative approach to sales and selling, you’ll be interested in what my guest, Tshombé Brown of Your Signature Coaching & Consulting, has to say.
As a Spiritual Business Coach, Tshombé helps independent sales professionals release themselves from struggle, differentiate themselves in the market place, and to easily attract only their perfect clients. In his time with us today, he will share with us what typically gets in our way as entrepreneurs, and how we can instead be magnetic, creating a sense of ease and flow when it comes to sales and marketing.
Our lively conversation covers critical information such as
- What "selling as spiritual practice" means and how it can help you reframe your relationship with sales
- How to orchestrate your life to support your introvert strengths
- Getting past the "Used Car Salesman" myth and creating a new sales story
During the podcast, I have an "aha" moment about my own sales story... my guess is that you'll have one, too!
Be sure to listen all the way to the end; Tshombé has a special offer for "Beth's Peeps" (I have peeps! :-) )

Wednesday Sep 29, 2010
Fearbashing with Patty K.
Wednesday Sep 29, 2010
Wednesday Sep 29, 2010
Do any of these things sound familiar to you?
- You're smart, capable and want to make a difference
- You have fears: of rejection, of failure, of success.
- You worry about what other people think.
- You're held back by lack of confidence.

Wednesday Sep 22, 2010
Demystifying LinkedIn with Viveka Von Rosen (Part 2)
Wednesday Sep 22, 2010
Wednesday Sep 22, 2010
In Part 1 of this podcast series on LinkedIn, I spoke with Viveka Von Rosen of Linked into Business about finding your footing in the professional playground of LinkedIn. Part 2 takes us deeper into ways to make the most of your profile and connections.
You don't want to miss hearing about:
- What makes a profile stand out
- How to decide how much you want to reveal and who can see what where
- How to use groups and updates to showcase your talents and connect with your ideal clients
- Why paying attention to the end-user agreement might be a good idea
- How introverts can leverage LinkedIn to increase their visibility and credibility

Tuesday Sep 14, 2010
Demystifying LinkedIn with Viveka Von Rosen
Tuesday Sep 14, 2010
Tuesday Sep 14, 2010
With the virtual landslide of social media options we have, a few have emerged as basic and necessary to anyone who has their own business or navigate the corporate landscape. They are like the social media triple threat: Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Of the three, LinkedIn has been the most mysterious. Conversations with friends and colleagues have revealed that I am not alone. Introvert Entrepreneur Viveka Von Rosen of Linked into Business joins me for a special two-part series on LinkedIn. We’re going to cover the LinkedIn fundamentals, as well as some more advanced techniques to grow your network and maximize LinkedIn.
What you’ll learn in Part 1:
- How to navigate the culture clash between LinkedIn and Facebook
- Whether you’re a LION or a LAMB networker
- Why size really does matter
- How a few small tweaks can make your profile pop
What’s in store for Part 2 (to be posted Sept. 22):
A few Ninja tricks, including what makes a profile stand out, deciding how much you want to reveal and who can see what where, and how to use groups and updates to showcase your talents and connect with your ideal clients. And you will definitely want to learn what to do if you want to get your LinkedIn privileges snatched away!

Wednesday Sep 08, 2010
Making Your Mark with Val Nelson
Wednesday Sep 08, 2010
Wednesday Sep 08, 2010
It doesn’t seem to matter if you’re an introvert or an extrovert – networking and putting yourself out there on behalf of your business takes its toll after a while. In this podcast of The Introvert Entrepreneur, Val Nelson joins us to help give us all some new perspectives and approaches to networking with ease.
Val Nelson is a career and business coach based in Northampton, Massachusetts, with clients all over the United States. She helps people make their mark on the world -- by helping them rise above any blocks about key strategies like networking and communications.
Val shares with us
- What we can learn from the black swan
- Why networking is not a 4-letter word
- Why an "extrovert mask" is only useful on Halloween
- How introvert super powers can help you make your mark on the world