
Wednesday Dec 22, 2010
Money & Mindfulness with Debbie Whitlock
Wednesday Dec 22, 2010
Wednesday Dec 22, 2010
How does an introvert wind up leading a large networking organization, hosting a nationally syndicated radio program and running her own company? Lots of energy, vision and taking care of business - most importantly, the business of taking care of herself. This week's podcast focuses on how one introvert leader has stepped into the spotlight and created ways to spread her message in a way that is authentic to who she is. Along the way, we also get some tips about having a friendly relationship with your time, energy and financial resources.
For more than 14 years, Debbie Whitlock, as president of her own financial services company, has been financially educating and empowering suddenly single women as they make the financial transition from life with a partner to one without.
Debbie reminds women that addressing their financial future from scarcity and fear will not lead to the prosperity they desire and deserve.
In this inspiring conversation, we talk about how with deep self-awareness, introverts can shape their lives to fit their needs and energy. You'll hear about
- Her journey to becoming the leader of a prominent networking group
- What's wrong with trying to "manage" your energy
- The biggest financial mistakes people make in their personal and professional lives
- Debbie's greatest wish for entrepreneurs everywhere in 2011

Saturday Dec 18, 2010
Your Year-End Process Check with Beth Buelow
Saturday Dec 18, 2010
Saturday Dec 18, 2010
Year's end is always a time of reflection. We have a tradition that says we each get a clean slate on January 1. Whatever happened in the previous year can be left behind and recycled and forgotten with the old calendar. But when we leave it behind without any reflection or thought, we are practically destined to repeat the same mistakes, have the same challenges and stay in the same place.
How can harness the positive energy and desire for shedding of the old and embracing of the new that happens every January 1? How can we get off the treadmill of running in place and start to turn corners and speed past more and more mile markers?
During this podcast, I offer a few thoughts, gathered from friends and colleagues and my own experiences. In addition, I share some guiding questions that result in a personal "process check," designed to offer space for reflection on 2010 and anticipation of 2011. Download a PDF of the questions. (opens in new window)

Wednesday Dec 08, 2010
Life as Improvisation with Leif Hansen
Wednesday Dec 08, 2010
Wednesday Dec 08, 2010
Does the idea of standing up in front of a group of people and having to think on your feet, well, freak you out a little? Or does not knowing what to expect make you just a wee bit uncomfortable? My guest today is a friend, colleague and co-conspirator who has helped me take steps to increase my confidence in these situations and more.
Leif Hansen is an experienced coach, seasoned facilitator, and creator of innovative workshops. His workshops have been featured internationally, including NBC's Today Show.
In our conversation today, Leif and I talk about how the principles of improvisation can improve your personal and professional relationships, and how it can get us unstuck when we introverts get too much in our heads. We cover how to fail fast, build trust in yourself and get over trying to look good in favor of being authentic.
And listen carefully... we include a special offer for our Jan. 19, 2011 "Improv for Introverts" workshop in Seattle!

Wednesday Dec 01, 2010
Connecting through Personality Types with James Wedmore
Wednesday Dec 01, 2010
Wednesday Dec 01, 2010
We know that understanding if someone is an introvert or an extrovert gives us certain insights into their personality and why they do what they do. But how can that information be utilized in marketing our business?
My guest today is James Wedmore, a proud introvert, serial entrepreneur and serious student of personality types. In this podcast, James shares with us a few tips on leveraging introvert energy, building your team and the importance of setting clear intentions for your business and relationships.
We also cover:
- How the internet is the global Land of Opportunity
- Why it's important to put the "I" (introvert) in TEAM
- The biggest mistakes introvert entrepreneurs make in their businesses, especially online

Wednesday Nov 17, 2010
How to Create a Cycle of Success with Julie Fleming
Wednesday Nov 17, 2010
Wednesday Nov 17, 2010
Sometimes in business – as in life – we get stuck. We find ourselves spinning our wheels or just not making the progress we want. The key is to move from the Cycle of Failure to the Cycle of Success.
My guest today, Julie Fleming, shares a few tips on how to do just that. Julie works with small business owners who love what they do but don’t love marketing. Julie helps them learn how to attract their ideal clients by doing what they do best – serving clients. The result is that they get all the business they need, make more money, and love their thriving businesses. Julie is the author of The Reluctant Rainmaker: A Guide for Lawyers Who Hate Selling (Crow Creek Press, 2009) and the upcoming book Ignite It! Explode the Profit in Your Service-Based Business, due to be published in January 2011.
Julie draws on her success as a lawyer, coach and business development expert to tell us:
- How to define success for yourself
- What it feels like to be caught in the Cycle of Failure
- How to make the move to the Cycle of Success
- Which business development activities have the most impact on your bottom line