
Thursday Mar 31, 2011
Small Talk Savvy (and More!) with Melissa Wadsworth
Thursday Mar 31, 2011
Thursday Mar 31, 2011
As we know, introverts are often drained by too much social interaction. But that isn’t always the case. There are times when we’re nurtured by social interaction – if it’s meaningful to us. That’s why I can sit for hours with a small group of friends and have deep conversations. Where the interactions become challenging is when I am with a lot of people and the conversations stay on a casual, surface level – in other words, small talk. I’ve long dreaded having to make small talk, an attitude that doesn’t help when I go to networking or other professional events.
I decided it’s time for an attitude adjustment. And I met the perfect person, Melissa Wadsworth, to provide a reframe of small talk, for me and for anyone else who thinks of it as a necessary evil. Along the way, we also talk about the Law of Attraction and seeing your introversion as a valuable asset.
Melissa is an inspirational speaker, dream life coach, conscious communications expert and the author of Small Talk Savvy. She describes herself as "introverted, creative, intuitive, and highly observant," and she is passionate about using her gifts of empathetic listening, transformational questioning, and intuitive insights to help clients go from Blocked to BrilliantTM as they release limiting perspectives, beliefs and behaviors.

Sunday Mar 20, 2011
Art of Relationship with Sarah Anma
Sunday Mar 20, 2011
Sunday Mar 20, 2011
When we spend most of our days with our colleagues, coworkers and computers, it’s easy to understand how our personal relationships can take a back seat. If we're in a committed relationship, we can grow apart from the people we love most because we’ve not made it a priority to focus on them in a loving, intentional way. And what if we’re single? In that case, we want to attract that ideal partner while being true to who we are.
My conversation today is with Sarah Anma, Relationship Mentor and founder of Art of Relationship. She helps frustrated singles figure out what they want and how to get it. She also helps loving and committed couples to create and grow the love life beyond their wildest dreams.
We talk about what prompted Sarah to focus on relationship coaching, as well as
- Being an introvert single - how to navigate the social waters
- The most important things couples can do to prevent miscommunication
- How to balance the introvert/extrovert relationship

Thursday Feb 10, 2011
From Writer to Author with "Book Shrink" Laurie Helgoe
Thursday Feb 10, 2011
Thursday Feb 10, 2011
Do you have a message you want to shout from the rooftops? Since shouting isn’t usually a way introverts communicate, we’re lucky there’s a more subtle way to get our message across. At the risk of generalizing, most introverts prefer to express their thoughts and ideas through the written word. For many, writing a book is a fundamental business strategy, opening the door to increased visibility, credibility and profitability. Others may want to leave a written legacy, sharing lessons learned so that others have an easier time on the journey.
She is the author of Introvert Power: Why Your Inner Life is Your Hidden Strength, the first book to reveal that introverts make up the majority—rather than a small minority—of the population. In addition to authoring five mass-market books (so far), Laurie launched Book It! Literary Consulting. Through seminars and individual consultation, she helps writers develop book ideas and take the steps needed to become published authors.
Laurie and I talk introverts and publishing in this lively conversation. She lifts the veil of mystery on the process of getting a book published through a mainstream publishing house, as well as shares...
- One of the biggest things introverts do that diminishes their power
- How you can make your book proposal stand out from the pack
- The fatal mistake aspiring authors make when pitching an idea
- Why it's true that ignorance is sometimes bliss

Tuesday Jan 25, 2011
Reclaiming Your Brilliance with Amy Kessel
Tuesday Jan 25, 2011
Tuesday Jan 25, 2011
When the busyness and business of life gets to be too much, we sometimes find out too late that we've lost touch with what makes us unique, what makes us brilliant. We feel disconnected from our energy and even our values. My guest today is Amy Kessel, certified life coach. Amy has dedicated her coaching business to helping women in transition reconnect with their authentic selves and their purpose. And her message today isn't just for the ladies - men also will benefit from her wisdom and call to find simple ways to honor your strengths.
In addition to learning about Amy's transition from social justice work to professional coach, we spend some time diving into
- How Amy manages her introvert energy while being fully present for her clients and her family
- What's wrong with the "no pain, no gain" approach to life
- The tiny ways we diminish ourselves and hide our brilliance
- How to see yourself as others see you

Wednesday Jan 12, 2011
Be More Productive with Claudine Motto
Wednesday Jan 12, 2011
Wednesday Jan 12, 2011
Do you ever find yourself sitting at your computer at the end of a long workday, thinking, "Where did all the time go!?" It's not just about how quickly the time passes - it's also about what I have to show for it.
When asked what people value more, time or money, the answer is usually time. So how do we make the most of what we have? In this podcast episode, Productivity Coach Claudine Motto of Vistal Norte (soon to be known as Business in Blossom) offers a few powerful tips and resources to help us put time on our side.
We talk about some of the bug-a-boos that get in our way and how to move through them, including
- Perfectionism & Procrastination
- Thinking "If I just had the right software..."
- Being absorbed in busy-ness instead of business
- Not being clear on our priorities