
Tuesday Nov 15, 2011
Social Media & the Introvert's Advantage with Rachel Parker
Tuesday Nov 15, 2011
Tuesday Nov 15, 2011
Social media has been one of the greatest inventions to ever hit the introvert world. We can engage with people on our own terms, forming relationships more intentionally and deciding when we want to take the online to offline. It can, however, become overwhelming and sometimes take over our valuable business development time. My guest for this podcast shares insights as to how introverts can leverage social media and navigate the constantly changing landscape.
Rachel Parker, owner and principal of Resonance, brings a track record of success in social media to her work with forward-thinking businesses. With over 15 years of experience as a brand strategist and marketing writer, Rachel has worked with some of the most prominent companies in Houston, TX.
A few points we cover in our wide-ranging conversation include:
- Can you be an IRL innie and an online outtie?
- Why social media is NOT about marketing
- How to use the virtual world to feed real world relationships
- A quick overview of Google+
- Maintaining your privacy while living in a fishbowl
- Keeping social media from being a time suck

Thursday Oct 20, 2011
Smart Self-Publishing with Toni V. Martin
Thursday Oct 20, 2011
Thursday Oct 20, 2011
I know from numerous conversations that lots of you have a book inside, waiting to come out. But you might not be sure how to get started, or which path - traditional or self-publishing - is right for you. There's a lot of information out there, but much of it is far from neutral. This podcast interview with Toni V. Martin gives us some solid advice for considering which path is right for you, and in particular, how to move forward if you decide to self-publish.
Toni V. Martin is a ghostwriter, author, publishing consultant and founder of PowerBroker Media and Finallyfinishyourbook.com. She helps entrepreneurs, speakers, coaches, consultants and anyone trying to get their message out there in a big way. She is the co-author of Atlanta Weddings for the Modern, Stylish, Chic Bride and author of Prepping for Prosperity: How to BE Rich Before You GET Rich.
In this lively interview, we cover a wide range of self-publishing dos and don'ts, as well as discuss:
- How to decide what type of book to write
- Who's involved in the process (hint: it takes a village!)
- What introverts need to consider when building a platform and promoting their book
- Toni's best advice for getting started and finding your focus

Friday Aug 12, 2011
Living a Life You Love as an HSP Introvert with Dr. Susan Biali
Friday Aug 12, 2011
Friday Aug 12, 2011
One of the keys to a happy life is understanding and accepting who you are, and learning to create the life you love based on that understanding. As we’ve talked about many times on this podcast, introverts have an enormous capacity for success when they recognize and strengthen their best traits. My guest today is a perfect example of what can manifest when an introverted heart and mind is driven by courage, love and creativity.
Dr. Susan Biali is an award-winning medical doctor, media wellness expert, author, speaker, life coach and professional flamenco dancer. She lives to help you discover yourself, create vibrant health, and design a life that you absolutely love.
Formerly a sick, depressed Emergency Medicine resident, Dr. Biali took back her own life and health by learning how to balance her life, listen to her body, and create a life truly worth living. Today, her greatest passion is helping free others to do the same.
Her bestselling new book, "Live a Life You Love: 7 Steps to a Healthier, Happier, More Passionate You", was released by New York's Beaufort Books in March 2010.
During our wide-ranging conversation, we start out by talking about what it means to be an HSP (Highly Sensitive Person) Introvert and how it affects our relationships, both with ourselves and others.
We also spend time on
- The importance of compassion to living a happy, healthy life
- What role tension plays in moving you forward toward your goals
- How listening to your body can change your life
- Ways you can take care of yourself as an introvert and/or an HSP

Friday Jul 29, 2011
How to Have a Wicked Start in Business with Bryan Janeczko
Friday Jul 29, 2011
Friday Jul 29, 2011
All entrepreneurs know how important it is to get off to a good start in their business. Today I’m talking with a visionary who wants your start to not just be good, but wicked good.
Bryan Janeczko is the mastermind behind Wicked Start, an online platform designed to help small business owners and early-stage entrepreneurs realize their dreams of starting a business. Bryan has collaborated with a team of professionals who share this vision, creating a suite of tools, resources, and community to help clients manage the business startup process, each step of the way.
- Honoring your introvert energy when leading others
- The role of love, heart and compassion in entrepreneurship
- Why you want to avoid the “birds of a feather” trap
- The most common mistake business owners make
- Bryan’s “Three Ps” to Success
- Benefits of sitting with the doldrums
- What entrepreneurs can learn from artists

Tuesday Jun 28, 2011
Building a Biz from the Ground Up: Tea Time with Amy Lawrence
Tuesday Jun 28, 2011
Tuesday Jun 28, 2011
What do you do when you have a huge AH HA! moment and no idea how to make it happen? You draw on your passion and find great people to support your dream. That’s what Amy Lawrence did, and in this edition of The introvert Entrepreneur podcast, she shares her story and lessons learned along the way about being an introvert owning a brick-and-mortar business.
After spending 11 years as a teacher, Amy made the leap to entrepreneurship in 2003 when she opened her tea room, “An Afternoon to Remember.” Her tea room won many awards, including Best Small Tea Room in the U.S. In 2009 she closed her tea room in order to pursue her on-line company, Afternoon to Remember Fine Tea. Amy has published 8 books which have sold over 12,000 copies.
Our conversation is the first podcast interview I've done with an introvert who owned a brick-and-mortar business. The lessons learned, however, are very similar to service-based businesses. Amy and I talk about
Those first business-building months of figuring out what the heck you're doing and which end is up
- The importance of finding the right support networks
- How to nurture introvert energy by bringing in complementary partners
- Tips for dealing with difficult conversations (because "You're Fired!" isn't really most introvert's natural style!)
- Taking lessons learned and allowing them to inform the future