
Saturday Jan 07, 2012
Finding the Athelete Within with Mike Margolies
Saturday Jan 07, 2012
Saturday Jan 07, 2012
For this first podcast of the new year, I'm going to share with you an interview I did back in the fall of 2011 but saved for now because the timing works so well. Maybe you're among the millions of people who use the new year as a catalyst to make some sort of resolution about their physical health, whether it's to be more active or take up a sport, or to learn how to relax and not go full throttle all the time.
Physical activity is key to our overall health, and my guest today takes that truth even further by sharing with us the mental game that contributes to our health, for better or for worse. He calls it "the athlete within," and it's not just about being able to run around the track and not collapse when you're done... it's about taking care of yourself, body, mind and spirit, so that you can have energy for all of things that you want to accomplish.
Athletes from all over the country have been seeking out Mike Margolies for close to thirty-five years for his expertise in helping them live up to their potential. They have sought his counsel and unique teaching style to learn about the game within the game. His new book is called "The Athlete within You," and it's intended for athletes and non-athletes working to achieve more in life.
In this interview, you'll learn:
- What it means to have an "athlete within"
- The power of being AMPed up and finding your real motivation
- Why internal motivation - an introvert strength - is key to long-term success
- How to express yourself "on the field"
- Why being active requires relaxation

Monday Dec 19, 2011
Beyond Thriving as an HSP with Ane Axford
Monday Dec 19, 2011
Monday Dec 19, 2011
Recently I was reading about the origin of fairy tales and various children’s stories. I happened upon the story behind The Princess and the Pea, and it fit perfectly into today’s podcast. In this day and age, being sensitive is sometimes regarded as being weak, or emotional, or thin skinned. You hear some people say, “Stop being so sensitive!” as if it were a disgrace to not only have feelings, but to show them.
This was not the case with the Princess and the Pea. On the contrary, sensitivity was a signal that a person was of royal blood. Think about that! It was desirable, and a mark of nobility, to be sensitive.
There are those among us – especially among us introverts – for whom emotions, feelings, sensations and the environment play a profound role in how we relate to the world. We are the HSPs, or Highly Sensitive Persons.
This interview with Ane Axford, CEO and founder of sensitive + thriving, Inc., is not only interesting, but life changing … at least it was for me. Ane and I explore what it means to be an HSP, and specifically, an introverted HSP.
We also talk about
- How introversion and HSP characteristics can look the same (but by definition, aren’t)
- Why finding a label to slap on yourself can be helpful
- The physiological underpinnings of “analysis paralysis”
- Turning Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs on its head (this blew my mind!)
- Why it’s important for entrepreneurs to move from comparison to connection

Friday Dec 09, 2011
Unleashing the Power of the Mastermind with Cheri Ruskus
Friday Dec 09, 2011
Friday Dec 09, 2011
For some of us, putting ourselves in a situation where we have to reveal our dreams, fears and triumphs to our peers is taking a huge risk, even if we value the learning that might result. It's incredibly important to feel safe if we're going to share what we usually keep inside, especially regarding our entrepreneurial aspirations. In today's podcast, Cheri Ruskus of Victory Circles introduces us to a tool - the mastermind process - that provides a powerful way to create that safety so that you can make meaningful connections with others while strengthening your business.
We learn how to tap into the wisdom of almost a century ago, when Napoleon Hill formulated the principles that have lead millions to success. Cheri shares how she developed her business around these principles and how they can be particularly supportive to introvert entrepreneurs. We learn about
- How a spirit of collaboration can bring you answers to the toughest challenges
- The best practices of thriving mastermind groups
- What can derail even the best intentions
- The benefits of mastermind principles on all of your relationships

Monday Dec 05, 2011
Leveraging LinkedIn for Success with Matt Youngquist
Monday Dec 05, 2011
Monday Dec 05, 2011
Are you making the most of your LinkedIn profile? Or did you set it up ages ago and have to blow the dust off the URL each time you come back?
I've decided to make 2012 the "Year of LinkedIn." While Facebook has gotten a lot of our (my!) time and attention, LinkedIn is a fabulous treasure trove of connections and resources. I thought for the longest time that it was primarily for job seekers. My guest for this podcast, Matt Youngquist of Career Horizons (http://www.career-horizons.com), sets me straight on that point. He shares ways that both the seeker and the entrepreneur can leverage LinkedIn for stronger relationships and stronger businesses. We also talk about being an introvert entrepreneur and how LinkedIn is a perfect platform for the introvert to connect with others.
You'll learn
- What LinkedIn is and isn't useful for
- Why your profile might not be working hard enough for you
- Why you don't want to say "yes" to everyone who invites you to connect
- LinkedIn's best kept secrets that boost your visibility and connectivity

Saturday Nov 26, 2011
Tech Tips for Small Business with Sven Mogelgaard
Saturday Nov 26, 2011
Saturday Nov 26, 2011
As small business owners, we have enough on our plates without worrying about the latest and greatest gadget that comes out every month. The good news is, we don’t have to. This conversation I had back in the spring with Sven Mogelgaard of Byte Slaves Computing provides some insights about how to stay on top of what’s most important while not getting distracted by bright shiny objects. We also talk about Sven’s discovery that he’s more in touch with his introvert side than he thought, and how that influences his networking and community involvement.
Also discussed:
- His key to juggling multiple commitments (he's one busy entrepreneur!)
- How networking can be more enjoyable and actually energize you
- The biggest tech challenges of the small business owner
- A crash course on The Cloud
- A few tech predictions