
Monday Sep 24, 2012
The Traveling Introvert with Stephanie Yoder
Monday Sep 24, 2012
Monday Sep 24, 2012
Over the years, I’ve discovered how much fun it is to travel to new places. They don’t even have to be exotic, just simply places I’ve never been.
And what about travel and the introvert? Taking a trip with someone is one of the fastest ways to learn about yourself and your relationship. How do you manage your need for alone time when you’re with someone 24/7? And how do you create an experience that works for you, that isn’t based on what other people expect?
My guest today is Stephanie Yoder, and she’s a girl who can't sit still. She has been traveling on and off for the past 6 years, through Europe, Asia, Australia and South America. She started Twenty-Something Travel three years ago as a way to convince other Generation Y-ers to get out and see the world.
I found Stephanie through one of her blog posts, "The Introvert's Guide to Travel." We chat about her experiences traveling alone, as well as with her extroverted fiance, and and her best advice about making travel easier than you think.
Monday Aug 06, 2012
Accessing Your Intuition with Donna Rowe
Monday Aug 06, 2012
Monday Aug 06, 2012
When you hear the word "intuition," what comes to mind? For many, intuition is thought to be a gift reserved for psychics, the highly sensitive or "woo-woo" people. You either have it or you don't. The truth is that we all have intuition, and we rely on it every day in ways we may not know about.
Intuition is also a key component of self-awareness. This is useful to introverts because it helps us to recognize and cultivate energetic boundaries. When we’re put into challenging situations – whether it’s networking events or family reunions – it’s possible to create your own energetic boundaries that allow you to both be present for others while protecting your core. This podcast features a special treat: my guest, Donna Rowe, is an intuitive and spiritual mentor, as well as a transformational coach. Donna leads us through a 10-minute meditation exercise that you can use anytime you want to generate calm and clarity.

Thursday May 17, 2012
The Power of the Professional Accountability Partnership
Thursday May 17, 2012
Thursday May 17, 2012
Since The Introvert Entrepreneur is celebrating its two-year anniversary this month, I've been reflecting on the ways the business has evolved and what's made that evolution possible. One of the keys to success in my business has been who I have surrounded myself with. We know that as introverts, we often expend more energy than we gain from interactions with other people. That's why it's so important to be intentional about who we bring into our lives. We have to make sure it's worth that expenditure of energy.
Today's podcast is a slight departure from the norm, because I'm using it to highlight one of the relationships that has been worth the energy. You're about to listen to a conversation I had with my Accountability Partner and fellow introvert entrepreneur, Arden Clise of Clise Etiquette. Together, we share how our partnership came into being, what personal and professional benefits we've experienced, and things to consider if you want to find your own accountability partner.

Friday Apr 27, 2012
Connecting Online and IRL with Morgan Barnhart
Friday Apr 27, 2012
Friday Apr 27, 2012
One of the things I noticed right away when I started my business was that it was much easier to be outgoing and social online than it was in real life. I could do things at my own pace, sit back and watch for a while before jumping in, and I generally felt in control. Contrast that to a live social situation where anything can happen – I could forget someone’s name, draw a blank when someone asks me a question or spill my drink on a new acquaintance when I go to shake their hand.
I’ve learned over the years that I’m not alone. There are lots of introverts who describe themselves as extroverts online, and introverts IRL, or in real life. It makes us start to wonder, “who am I really?” The truth is that both are true, unless you’re going over-the-top online and taking on a new voice, brand or personality. I became curious about how introverts could leverage the power and relative comfort of social media to form stronger off-line relationships. My guest, Morgan Barnhart of Sociable Boost, gives us some insights to help us bridge the divide.

Friday Apr 13, 2012
Finding Your Authentic Presence with Jonathan Bender
Friday Apr 13, 2012
Friday Apr 13, 2012
Comedians often highlight the absurd truths in society, and introvert - yes, introvert - Jerry Seinfeld is especially skilled at shining the light on our contradictory natures. Here's what he has to say about public speaking: "According to most studies, people's number one fear is public speaking. Number two is death. Death is number two. Does that sound right? This means to the average person, if you go to a funeral, you're better off in the casket than doing the eulogy."
The fear of public speaking is called Glossophobia, which comes from the Greek glōssa, meaning tongue, and phobos, fear or dread. My guest for this podcast has dedicated his business to changing the way people - especially introverts and glossophobes - think about themselves and being on stage and in the spotlight.
Jonathan Bender, founder of WholeSpeak, is a professional speaker, coach, actor, theater director, writer, and self-proclaimed introvert. He is passionate about helping introverts become strong speakers who actually feel comfortable in front of large groups. His passion comes through loud and clear during this conversation, as we talk about
- The reasons introverts can feel empowered by being on the stage
- The five "keys to confidence" in public speaking
- How to turn fear into freedom
- How introverts can be more naturally expressive