Wednesday Apr 10, 2013
Quiet Courage: A Conversation with Mary Anne Radmacher
Wednesday Apr 10, 2013
Wednesday Apr 10, 2013
One of the gifts of producing these podcasts is that I get to talk to interesting, heart-centered people who are blazing a trail in their own introverted fashion. I learn something from every conversation, and this edition of The Introvert Entrepreneur taught me many things. I learned about the gift of bright shiny objects, how being an introvert affects how we show up – and not show up – and why letting our work speak for ourselves only gets us so far. I also learned a gentle way to tell others what we need as introverts, an exercise for being a better writer... and more! My guest is Mary Anne Radmacher; she is an artist, poet, author, introvert and entrepreneur. Mary Anne is the author of 11 books, among them HONEY IN YOUR HEART and LEAN FORWARD INTO YOUR LIFE. Her work has been quoted in the Oxford Dictionary of American Quotations, hangs in Oprah's headquarters and in the Baseball Hall of Fame. Mary Anne's work is available for purchase here. You can find her books, alongside other personal growth and introvert-centric resources, here: introvertislandbooks.com/bookstore
Monday Mar 11, 2013
The Quiet Influence of Introverted Leaders with Jennifer Kahnweiler
Monday Mar 11, 2013
Monday Mar 11, 2013
Over the past few years, the conversation about what it means to be a leader has expanded to include traits we might not normally associate with traditional leadership. People tend to see a natural leader as someone with charisma and an outgoing, social energy. And yet, more is being written about the style of leadership that is more behind the scenes, observant and reflective. This has turned our attention to the introverted leader, the one who radiates a confidence that comes from within.
To learn more about how introvert strengths contribute to effective leadership, I’m joined by Jennifer B. Kahnweiler, Ph.D., Certified Speaking Professional. Her bestselling book The Introverted Leader: Building on Your Quiet Strength has achieved widespread appeal and has been translated into multiple languages.
Her latest book, Quiet Influence: The Introvert's Guide to Making A Difference, will be released on April 15, 2013, and is currently available for pre-sale on Amazon.com and Barnes&Noble.com.
Friday Feb 22, 2013
Introversion, Perception and Reality with Alice Boyes
Friday Feb 22, 2013
Friday Feb 22, 2013
For many people, discovering where they fell on the introvert-extrovert spectrum didn’t come at an early age. So they grew up with a set of perceptions about who they were that may or may not have been reality. This is especially true for introverts; for instance, I grew up thinking that I was socially unskilled and not a good conversationalist.
I hear similar stories from my clients and the people I’ve spoken with over the past three years. From this one piece of information - knowing they're introverts - they can start the journey of learning how to be their most powerful selves.
My guest is New Zealand psychologist Dr. Alice Boyes, and she was fortunate; she learned that she was an introvert at a very young age. But it was only recently that she started to appreciate her introversion, rather than see it as a personal fault.
We talk about her journey from feeling ashamed of being an introvert to feeling at peace with it. We also cover a wide range of topics, including
- Taking what could be perceived as a negative trait and becoming more comfortable with it
- How lessons from traditional work places help inform making the transition to entrepreneurship
- Distinguishing between introversion, anxiety and lack of confidence
- Identifying your “tracks of avoidance” that could hold you back
- What's really behind our fear of success
PS: One of her recent Psychology Today articles was featured on Lifehacker.com and has gotten over 100,000 views (read the original article).
Monday Feb 04, 2013
Claiming Your Introvert Power with Dr. Laurie Helgoe
Monday Feb 04, 2013
Monday Feb 04, 2013
February 1, 2013, was a special day for introverts everywhere. It marked the release of the second edition of Laurie Helgoe’s fabulous book, Introvert Power: Why Your Inner Life is Your Hidden Strength. It’s chock full of stories, research and quotes from introverts the world over, all affirming the quieter gifts of the introvert. And this new edition reveals even more insights that are sure to have readers nodding their heads in agreement and feeling a connection to introverts everywhere.
In this podcast conversation, Laurie and I talk about what's new in Introvert Power, including
- What's wrong with how we normally define "happiness"
- How solitude can sometimes suck, even for introverts
- How to get a word in edgewise with chatty Cathys
- Why we introverts need to examine what we consider rude
Dr. Laurie Helgoe is an author and clinical psychologist specializing in personality and the psychology of desire. As owner of Book It! Literary Consulting, she enjoys helping writers prepare their books for publication. Helgoe authored the cover story, “Revenge of the Introverts" for the September- October 2010 issue of Psychology Today.
Helgoe’s books include Introvert Power, recipient of a Publisher’s Weekly starred review; The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Raising Boys; The Anxiety Answer Book; The Boomer’s Guide to Dating (Again); and The Pocket Idiot’s Guide to Breaking Up.
Wednesday Jan 30, 2013
A Better Understanding of Shyness with Barbara Markway
Wednesday Jan 30, 2013
Wednesday Jan 30, 2013
Shyness is a topic that is fundamental to the introvert conversation but that can be the source of enormous confusion. For so long, people have collapsed the two, assuming that if a person is shy, she must be introverted, or if a person is introverted, he must be shy. The truth is, while they are two different characteristics, there are significant similarities. I’ve asked an expert on shyness, Barbara Markway, Ph.D., to help us tease through the issue.
In this conversation, you’ll learn:- Where the confusion between introversion and shyness comes from
- How to shift your perception of shyness
- Tips for the shy introvert: the transformative power of acknowledgment, acceptance, self-talk and small steps
- How to create a more “shy friendly” environment
Be sure to listen all the way to the end for a special giveaway!
Barbara Markway, Ph.D., is a psychologist and author of three books on social anxiety and shyness. Her first book, Dying of Embarrassment: Help for Social Anxiety & Phobia, was named one of the most scientifically valid self-help books in a study published in Professional Psychology, Research and Practice. Her other books are Painfully Shy: How to Overcome Social Anxiety and Reclaim Your Life and Nurturing the Shy Child: Practical Help for Raising Confident and Socially Skilled Kids and Teens. Barb has appeared on Good Morning America, The Today Show, and the documentary Afraid of People. Her work has been featured in the New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Washington Post, among other national publications, and she’s been heard on radio shows nationwide.
She blogs at http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/shyness-is-nice and http://theselfcompassionproject.com/