Monday Jul 07, 2014
Ep65: The Introvert's Guide to Success with Lisa Petrilli
Monday Jul 07, 2014
Monday Jul 07, 2014
When introverts learn more about themselves and then discover others like them, there’s one overwhelming response: I am not alone. My guest today writes about that how to use that awareness to your advantage in her eBook, “The Introverts Guide to Success in Business and Leadership.” She writes, “Acknowledging and understanding the real meaning of this simple statement is a key tenet to succeeding as an introvert.”
Lisa Petrilli is Chief Executive Officer of C-Level Strategies, Inc. She is passionate about visionary leadership and true empowerment. This podcast focuses on another of Lisa’s passions: helping introverts succeed in business. Through her eBook, “The Introverts Guide to Success in Business and Leadership,” Lisa shares what she discovered about how to use her introversion to her advantage.
Our conversation focuses on the transition from corporate life to the entrepreneur life, as well as self-promotion and introverts as strong leaders.
Special Podcast Note: this interview was recorded in the winter, hence the opening reference to snow!
Connect with Lisa:
Website: LisaPetrilli.com
Twitter: @LisaPetrilli
Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheIntrovertsGuide
eBook: www.lisapetrilli.com/the-introverts-guide/
Friday Jun 06, 2014
Ep67: Tips for Speaking Up and Out with Introvert Expert Nancy Ancowitz
Friday Jun 06, 2014
Friday Jun 06, 2014
If there's one thing many introverts have in common, it's this: they don’t talk unless they have something to say. They’d rather listen, observe, process and wait until they have something meaningful to share. While I personally think that’s a strength, because we’re not wearing ourselves and others out with lots of talking, it’s not a style that the typical work environment values. The other thing almost every introvert has in common is that they’ve been told at some point in their lives, “you need to speak up more.” This might come from a boss, parent, spouse or friend. So what can we do? How can we balance our preference for internal processing with their request for us to talk more?
To answer those questions, I decide to call on one of my expert colleagues, Nancy Ancowitz. Nancy is a business communication coach specializing in career advancement and presentation skills. She’s the author of Self-Promotion for Introverts®: The Quiet Guide to Getting Ahead, a Publishers Weekly “best book” selection. The book offers a gentle but results oriented approach to helping those who talk less to get heard more.
Additional Links to Nancy+Beth Conversations:
An Introvert's Secrets to Setting Up Shop | Psychology Today
Improv for Introverts | Psychology Today
Crossing the Digital Divide: Tips & Tricks for Webcam Confidence from Nancy Ancowitz
Self-Promotion for Introverts® with Nancy AncowitzThursday May 15, 2014
Ep66: Married with Luggage: A Conversation with Betsy & Warren Talbot
Thursday May 15, 2014
Thursday May 15, 2014
We all know there are challenges to being in a committed relationship, and those challenges can be heightened when one partner is an introvert and the other an extrovert. But what happens when that relationship is 24/7? Where most of us spend around 8 hours awake with our partners, plus 8 hours sleeping and 8 at work, Betsy and Warren Talbot are truly together 24/7. And they make it work!
Through their website at Married with Luggage, Warren (extrovert) and Betsy (introvert) have been testing their relationship in the public eye since 2008, when they first made the decision to quit their jobs, sell everything they owned, and travel the world full time.
The Talbots have been featured in print outlets as diverse as Kiplinger’s Personal Finance and Wanderlust Magazine, and they are frequently featured experts at conferences, talk radio shows, personal growth and business podcasts, and top websites.
This conversation about their innie/outtie relationship on the road is specially timed to celebrate the release of their book, "Married With Luggage: What We Learned About Love By Traveling the World."
Wednesday May 07, 2014
Ep63: Musician Andy Mort on Quiet Rebels and Introverted Performers
Wednesday May 07, 2014
Wednesday May 07, 2014
What's life like for an introvert who chooses to be on stage performing on a regular basis? It’s a vulnerable life, one that requires levels of self-promotion and constant putting-yourself-out-there. And in fact, you don't have to be on a stage to be performing and to feel the pressures that come with it.
In this episode, I chat with Andy Mort, a UK-based musician and writer also known as Atlum Schema. He’s a podcaster,
HSP (Highly Sensitive Person), and introvert. His latest album is titled “Year 0” and you'll hear one of the tracks at the end of our conversation.
"Andy’s daring and innovative approach to creating and releasing modern music has proved him and his alter-ego Atlum Schema to be a bright beacon in the depths of British music today – watch out." - Bearded Magazine
In describing his blog and podcast, Andy writes, “Sheep Dressed Like Wolves is for people I define as Reluctant Leaders and Gentle Rebels who long to make an impact in a sometimes strange, absurd, and often overwhelming world... I want to de-construct and explore this stuff and to help introverts and highly sensitive people recognize and overcome what is holding us back from living with the passion, purpose, and meaning we seek.”
Monday Apr 28, 2014
Ep62: Caring for Your Introvert with Jonathan Rauch
Monday Apr 28, 2014
Monday Apr 28, 2014
One of the very first articles I came across when I officially began gathering resources for my business was Jonathan Rauch’s “Caring for Your Introvert.” Published in 2003 in The Atlantic, the article really hit home in its directness about what it meant to be an introvert. I also loved that Jonathan used humor and an ever-so-slightly snarky edge to get his message across. It was refreshing and intelligent, and spurred such a big response that follow-up articles were written over the years.
It’s really a pleasure to welcome Jonathan to this edition of The Introvert Entrepreneur podcast, where we catch up on what’s happened since that article ran in 2003. He is a contributing editor of The Atlantic and National Journal and a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution. We cover a lot of ground in a short period of time, including what he thinks about the evolution of the introvert revolution, whether introverts and geeks are synonymous, and using humor to communicate the introvert message.